Bailey, V. O., District of Columbia, Minnesota, Virginia, May 1932 - August 1932
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Bailey, V. O., District of Columbia, Minnesota, Virginia, May 1932 - August 1932
- Publication date
- 1932
- Topics
- Mammalogy, Ornithology, Botany
- Collection
- biodiversity; sifieldbooks
- Contributor
- Smithsonian Institution Archives
- Language
- English
- Item Size
- 19.9M
The journal documents Vernon Orlando Bailey's fieldwork in Washington DC [District of Columbia], Minnesota, Virginia, May 30 - August 7, 1932. Entries are dated and discuss travel and collecting. Subject matter includes travel details (time of day, destinations, mode of travel), terrain and vegetation (enroute), weather, temperature, list of contacts and their titles, meetings with colleagues, observations of birds (and nests) and mammals (beavers), descriptions of local inhabitants interviewed and summaries of their comments, collecting methods and specimens, and notes on mammals and their effect on local vegetation. There are lists of plants, mammals, and birds per locations with notes. From the back are entries, many of which are headed with type of mammal (coyote, moose, porcupine) and description of population, habitat, etc. Sometimes locations include street intersections or landmarks. Locations include Red Lake, Cass Lake (state unidentified); Lake Itasca, Waskish, Ely, Grand Marais, Minnesota; Luray caverns, Virginia
- Abstract
- The journal documents Vernon Orlando Bailey's fieldwork in Washington DC [District of Columbia], Minnesota, Virginia, May 30 - August 7, 1932. Entries are dated and discuss travel and collecting. Subject matter includes travel details (time of day, destinations, mode of travel), terrain and vegetation (enroute), weather, temperature, list of contacts and their titles, meetings with colleagues, observations of birds (and nests) and mammals (beavers), descriptions of local inhabitants interviewed and summaries of their comments, collecting methods and specimens, and notes on mammals and their effect on local vegetation. There are lists of plants, mammals, and birds per locations with notes. From the back are entries, many of which are headed with type of mammal (coyote, moose, porcupine) and description of population, habitat, etc. Sometimes locations include street intersections or landmarks. Locations include Red Lake, Cass Lake (state unidentified); Lake Itasca, Waskish, Ely, Grand Marais, Minnesota; Luray caverns, Virginia.
- Addeddate
- 2017-11-27 22:53:59
- Call number
- MODSI4313
- Call-number
- MODSI4313
- Due-diligence
- Duediligence
- Foldoutcount
- 0
- Genre
- Field notes
- Identifier
- baileyvodistric00bail
- Identifier-ark
- ark:/13960/t5jb2hh08
- Identifier-bib
- MODSI4313
- Location
- National Museum of Natural History (U.S.). Division of Mammals
- Ocr
- ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR)
- Pages
- 54
- Possible copyright status
- No known copyright restrictions as determined by scanning institution.
- Ppi
- 300
- Year
- 1932
- Full catalog record
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